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The Star Humans

One day, God was just finished from troubleshooting some humankind affairs.

As always, it was tiring, heart-and-mind consuming, and God felt like He could use some walks. Stars have always been one of His favorite creations, so He decided he would go give the star field a look and probably plant one or two new ones, just to kill time.

One or two was not enough so God ended up planting a whole new batch of stars, and after He was finished, He realized that His hands were gleaming with stardust. He was just about to wipe them away when he came across a brilliant idea - the dust were just like the dust He had used to create mankind, only with more light in it. So with some modifications, it might work, and it might even turn into something extraordinary. Happy with this idea, God's fatigue flew away as He spent all night sculpting humankinds out of the stardust. As morning approached He was already finished, exhausted but much enthusiastic about His new creations. He blew the breath of life into the tiny sculptures and sent them to earth.

The star-humans, as they were called, turned out to look exactly like typical humankind. However, there was a constitutional difference between them two.

Since they came from the stars, they inherently had more light in them. And, true to the Law of Concentration Gradient, they always feel the urge to spread the light to other people, ordinary humans with less Light in them, to, according to what they had in mind, implant more sparks in their life, make them better, make them happier. They give and give and give because that was what they thought they should do. Of course they didn't know they were star-humans - they just had the inclination to lessen themselves to help others feel more.

But star-humans are still humans after all, and after continuous giving, they start to run out of light. They start to feel what they had never experienced before - fatigued, helpless, fed up - they did not understand what these symptoms are and they did not realize that the Light inside them, who made them who they are - were close to finished. And yet they keep on giving, until there were none left. Then they just turn into ordinary people, in the best cases - and in worse ones, they turn into dark-humans, completely void of light, beings who viewed the world as a bad place, beings who built fortresses so high no one, and no Light, could seep in... because they were scared people would come and steal their Light. They did not realize they had none left!

God was so worried about these creations He sent a letter to earth, addressed to one of the star-humans.

I did not know how, but the letter got lost and ended up in my mailbox. So, I'm just going to post it here in case any star-human was reading, so they could spread it among them and prevent what is unnecessary.

Beloved star-humans,

Unlike other humans you were born with plenty of lights inside you. Every single human I sculpted to life was special, and so were all of you. You were special in a way that you would always sacrifice your Light to fill the empty darkness inside other humankinds.

That was the characteristic that came with you, a natural occurence, and it was a very beautiful thing to do.

However, beware that you yourself also need the Light to survive, and you need to cultivate the Light so that you could keep on giving to others without losing yourself.

So remember to invest in happiness, your happiness. Never forget that you, too, deserve to be happy. You, too, should expense some effort of happiness. YOUR happiness. Your happiness is the one feeding your Light. As long as you are happy, there will be Light in you.

In some cases you would meet people you were inclined to transfer your Light too. They would make you feel something called love - and love is one of the most precious things on earth, but beware because love has many forms - light and dark - and they can so easily manifest into each other without you realizing. Some people are just very lacking of Light, but they cover it perfectly - they will absorb your Light so quickly you did not realize they were all gone.

So, whatever you do, please take care of the Light inside you. Keep it burning, keep it alive, with whatever means you must.

You should always be kind and loving, but you get to decide how much Light you can afford for each person in your life.

Yours sincerely,


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